Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Nigeria Scams Thriving, Say Private Investigators

Nigeria is a high fraud risk nation, it is the country where 419 scams originated and a large group of internet criminals continue to manipulate and defraud millions from victims around the world, every single day. Although most people think Nigeria’s scamming days are over, and everyone knows about their scams, private investigators completely disagree. The Nigeria private investigator business is booming, and law enforcement agencies say it’s the growth in criminal activity which is driving the trend.

Commercially speaking, Nigeria was put back on track in the early 2000’s, and oil production is a main attraction for international investors- mainly from the United States, Brazil and India. The mixed economy relies mostly on manufacturing and producing goods for other West African consumers. Corruption and crime and inefficiency is part of daily life here. But, with a serious overpopulation problem (estimated at 160,000,000 for 2011), there is a real economic force in the country, in numbers alone. Combine this with the natural gas and crude oil industry and pipelines, and criminals operating freely (not to mention the threat from Muslim terrorists), Nigeria is a complex land full of opportunity and risks. For those businesses in the natural resources market seeking an entrance to West Africa or continental Africa, Nigeria is often the choice. With its exploding population, and buying power of its people, Nigeria is a place for investment for those that can tolerate high risk. And that is where Lagos private investigators come into play.

According to the International Monetary Fund, corruption is hard to avoid and is a serious risk to individuals and businesses. Criminal activity and romance scams are widespread, as is business fraud and 419 or advance fee fraud. Because of the high risk, all personal and business relationships should be verified. Any new business contact or potential investor or supplier, or unknown entity or organization should be screened for fraud. Small businesses, individuals and corporations around the world are now relying on Nigeria background checks and Nigeria due diligence services to minimize the risk in the country. Lagos based private investigators report significant growth, despite the poor economy, and say because of the problem with fraud and scams, business in the private investigation industry is growing at a fast pace.

Of course, not all Nigerians are criminals. Many businesses and individuals operating from Lagos are shining examples of the future Nigeria, where efficiency and transparency is cherished and counted on. As in any investment, the risk-reward relationship is often true, and Nigeria is no exception to the rule.
Internet scams and business fraud is no joke. Billions are lost each year from Nigeria based scams alone, each year. Many crimes go unreported, and those that do get reported, rarely get investigated. This is the Wild West and law and order has yet to arrive. Until the situation improves, be safe and verify.

Best of luck,

A Hathaway
© 2011 A Hathaway

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International Background Screening:  Be Safer Online

The U.S. Consular Affairs Bureau receives a ton of daily calls regarding internet scams.  Not only the U.S. but also Australia and Canada seem to be major targets for online criminals, who usually cover their true intentions behind a false veil of kindness and success. From employment offers to Hollywood type romance, fraudsters always promise some gain in return –after gaining some dollars out of your pocket, or even ruining you financially, of course. And you can be next as there is no age or income group immune to internet criminals and their fraud tactics.  Increasingly, consumers and businesses are turning to international background screening to be safe.

Advance- free fraud, business fraud, investment scams and romance scams target those eager to profit or who have wishful thinking in a business deal or personal romance.   Victims all too often  believe there’s something of great personal or business value to be had, e.g. endless love and happiness, financial independence, business expansion and other promises and potential.

Scams evolve constantly and the list is endless. But some of the most popular frauds to watch out for are romance scams, investments, international financial scams, gold scam and precious metals, China stock market scams, and identity theft.  Though there are several variations like mobile extortion, phishing and even calls claiming a loved one has been abducted, the common factor is always the request for money.  In Latin America, criminals take on more aggressive tactics, and often call their potential victims claiming that a family member has been kidnapped, and if they want to see their loved one again, they had better deposit money in a bank account.  Surprisingly, the person who is supposedly abducted is at work or school, a situation all too common in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia.  Risk from scams is at its highest level in international relationships.  

What to do to avoid these atrocities? International private investigators suggest the following guidelines to prevent being a victim:  1) Never reveal your personal data to someone you’ve never met, 2) Never send money to any person or entity overseas who has not been verified, 3) Get a professional due diligence service to verify any potential business partner, contact or entity that is in a foreign country, and lastly 4) If something does not feel right, or if something seems too good to be true, listen to your instincts, and contact a professional private investigator.

Online scams can be reported to authorities like the FBI sponsored website, the Internet Crime Complaint Center, or embassies around the world, but usually these cases receive little attention, if any.  The volume is simply too high, and law enforcement lacks the resources to track these criminals down, who often hide behind proxy servers and random internet cafes.

The internet is here to stay, and its value is great.   People around the world enjoy the value added by networking, socializing and even doing business online.  For every case of fraud, there are 9 cases of success.  To manage the risk, and to make sure you don’t fall into that 10% category, more businesses and individuals are using international background checks to be safer online.

Best of luck,

A. Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway

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Malaysia Private Investigators Take On Investment Fraud

Law enforcement agencies like the Metropolitan Police Service, Interpol and the FBI, as well as U.S. Embassies around the world are warning the public about the risk for investment fraud and scams.  Online relationships and especially those involving international investments are especially high risk.  Around the world, there are concentrations  of groups pertaining to various investments, and Malaysia seems to be leading that global race, with China and Ghana a very close second on the list for fraud. 

For reasons that are not entirely clear, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is the global capitol of investment scams, surpassing Chinese stock market scams and Ghana gold scams.  Law enforcement in Malaysia is not equipped to handle the threat, say outside observes, and the problem is getting worse.  Scam and criminal operations are now growing, and these days everyone in Malaysia knows about the once tiny problem.  Malaysia private investigators, driven by demand from clients, hope to shut them down.

We won’t speculate on why Malaysia has focused on investment scams and not romance scams like neighboring Philippines.   One simple reason may be that the Philippines is good at what they do, and in Malaysia, they just happened to be experts at investment scams.  No one can argue that conducting such investment scams and internet fraud can be highly lucrative.  Kuala Lumpur scammers can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars.  In fact, an expert scammer in Malaysia can earn over $1M USD a year if he scams the right victim.  And investigators say the victim can be a wealthy individual in the United States, Canada, Australia or the U.K., to a director of a large company or even a CEO.  Once the supposed business  deal is agreed upon, and the payment is made, the scam is complete and the money lost.

International private investigators say the modus operandi of the scammers and criminals conducting investment fraud via the internet is not so easy to classify.  “Creativity is keeping these guys alive,” according to one New York based private investigator.  Tactics being used are no longer straightforward, not in all cases.  Some Malaysia based criminals now understand the laws and regulations of the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and talk the talk and walk the walk of a hedge fund manager.  Some of best in the business are now based in Kuala Lumpur.  Kuala Lumpur investigators are one industry that is doing quite well, as a result of the increase in demand to screen for fraud when investing in Malaysia.

There are now organized criminal cells operating in Kuala Lumpur, and their reach, thanks to the internet, is global.  Scammers may claim to be hedge fund managers from the U.K., they may offer private placement, inside information, precious metals and gold offerings, and share offerings on the next big Chinese company.  The criminals appear to be well established and honest corporations or individuals, defrauding investors and businesses around the world of billions of dollars each year.  “Most of these companies operate using proven techniques and are savvy in their area of specialization,” explains a London risk management firm.  “Their local headquarters are well set and their websites look professional, and they know the lingo to get the investor’s attention, so people fall easily.” Investors hoping to minimize this high risk are contracting Kuala Lumpur private investigators for international background checks, due diligence, and discreet private investigation services to verify businesses, contacts and investment offers.

Some investment scams are executed through bank transfers, deposits to fake companies, wire transfers, payment for shipping, etc.  Some scammers can partner with western companies, get contracts that have a tricky clause in which the Asian company is in no way obligated to pay earnings to the investor once the business is profitable.  Companies in the U.S. have lost billions of dollars in these types of scams, and won’t ever see their money back.  Such clauses are actually legitimate under Malaysian Commerce Law, according to legal offices in Kuala Lumpur.  Malaysia private investigators have their work cut out for them.  If they will have an impact remains to be seen, but in the meantime, clients can benefit from their services as an extra layer of protection against the growing threat.  In Malaysia, buyer beware!

Best of luck,

A. Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway 

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Philippines Private Investigators: The Real Story


From the Locals to the Pros

In the Philippines, the private investigation industry is so bizarre, that it is a research topic in of itself. No other country in the world offers so much variation in the quality of work, type of work, and qualifications of investigators than the Philippines. In this Southeast Asia island nation, private investigators range from some of the worst in the world (equal to offerings in Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo, Boliva and some others) to experts challenging the skills of even the most qualified in the U.S. and U.K. When we say worst trained, that is to say no training whatsoever. In fact, many people claiming to be private investigators in the Philippines simply steal clients’ money and never conduct the investigation.

Other “investigators” are locals who are desperate for work, and do their best with a cheap digital camera, the internet and phone. The experts, on the other hand, are usually former intelligence officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and have received training at the NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) as well as at United States military and law enforcement academies in states like Georgia and Hawaii. Some are former federal agents from the U.S. who are Filipino born, and who have decided to retire in their native land. Because of the huge variation in quality and training, Philippines private investigators should be chosen carefully. Going with a professional is worth the investment.

Getting What You Pay For

The Philippines is a developing country, rife with fraud, scams, criminal activity and infidelity, and romance scams. On the flip side of the same coin are countless beautiful beaches, friendly women, and economic opportunities for foreign investment in Manila and Cebu. Because of the large difference in pay scale between the unqualified and uneducated versus the qualified and college educated population, prices in just about any service vary widely. In the Philippines, the old adage ‘you get what you pay for’ is perhaps more true in private investigation than anywhere else. Hiring a local Filipino with a cheap digital camera, who has no professional training or higher education, can be as economic as taking the family out for a popcorn dinner. When you receive the “investigation report” in an email, in the form of two poorly written paragraphs with no photographs or supporting evidence, be thankful you received anything at all.

Many such “bargains” are simply crooks eager to steal your money, or worse, they may contact the subject of investigation and blackmail you for more money. Handling sensitive issues such as background checks, due diligence and confidential private investigation or discreet surveillance requires professional training. There are risks involved and relationships at stake. Consumers should take precaution to avoid being a victim of scam or negligence, and understand professional Philippines private detectives cost more.

Choosing a Competent Investigator

Finding a professional private investigator at a fair price can be easier said than done. Consumers should realize that among the dozens of options advertised, there are only 2 or 3 professional investigation and background check firms operating in the Philippines, and they are typically based outside the Philippines. Reputable companies of significant size and operations tend to base their company or incorporate outside the Philippines in developed nations like Canada, Australia, the U.K. or the United States. This is often done to be closer to corporate and individual clients, as most clients for investigation reside outside the Philippines. Business transparency and accountability is higher in the developed countries, and there is an enhanced level of trust in doing business, and stronger culture of client service. Companies owned or U.S. or U.K. managed usually have stricter hiring requirements for field investigators in the Philippines, and ongoing training is often mandatory. “The difference between a professional firm and local, untrained investigator in the Philippines is major,” said John Wallace, Director of Background Checks at Wymoo® International.

“We receive a significant number of clients who say they were scammed by a local who either didn’t do the job, or who were obviously untrained.” Experts recommend consumers shop carefully when looking for a real Philippines private investigator and to check references and search Google to see what others are saying about the company. If a company has no press releases on Yahoo, MSNBC or other major news outlet, chances are you’re dealing with a very small company or individual. If the website has no well regarded security seals such as McAfee, Truste or Better Business Bureau, it might be wise to keep shopping. Look for a secure payment method on the company website, not a link to PayPal or Western Union. Ask lots of questions and find out where the company is based. If you submit your payment to a Philippines based company and the service is unacceptable, you may not have any options to get your money back. Don’t shop based on price alone. Consider the quality of service and reputation, and choose wisely.

Best of luck,

A Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway

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UK Private Investigators See Risk in Online Dating Scams

There is a relatively new internet threat which seems to be hitting the U.K. harder than all other scams and combined. Use of online dating and social networking sites in the United Kingdom is up over 100% compared to 2007, so there are now more people than ever in the UK online and starting new relationships online. It seems the entire country is wired to Facebook and Twitter. The subscription rate to match-making sites such as is also remarkably high. The growth in subscribers to these websites has been matched or even exceeded by the reported growth in online dating scams and romance scams , coming from the U.K. or involving the U.K. London based private investigators, in fact, admit that 5 years ago a request to investigate a romance scam was not very common. These days, they receive calls regarding romance scams on a near daily basis, according to one major London private investigation firm. UK private investigators are working more cases pertaining to online dating and social networking sites. Clients want to know who is, or who was the person they were talking to. Complaints at the MET (Metropolitan Police Service) in London also have reported a sharp increase in complaints involving romance scams and internet fraud.

Romance scams are old news, and only a dummy could be a victim, right? Wrong, say law enforcement and private investigators. Wymoo® International, a U.S. based company with field investigators in London, says that complaints and cases involving UK romance scams are up 35% at the company compared to 2009. “We’re seeing an increase in scam cases that have a higher level of sophistication, and more complex scam techniques are being used,” said John Wallace, Director of Background Checks at the firm. “Many cases involve professional criminals who operate in the UK as illegal or undocumented immigrants, and often times these people have ties to criminal organizations in Nigeria and other developing countries.
“Criminals are quite good, and their goal is to gain your trust, and then steal your money or identity. Experts say that even the most skeptical can fall for a romance scam or internet fraud. Often people publish private information on Facebook or or via email which they might not realize can be used against them. Once a criminal has your address, full name and date of birth, he is 3 steps closer to stealing your identity. Other romance scams follow a more classic approach, and once the trust and relationship is established, he or she will request financial assistance with a visa or passport, medical expenses, travel or education.

But, these scams won’t happen to me, you say. You only use the major websites that everyone else uses, and you’ve never had any problem. Letting your guard down is perhaps the telling sign of most victims of internet fraud and romance scam. Private investigators and law enforcement say to remain skeptical and be cautious in all online relationships. If there are signs of potential, and it seems like the relationship could develop into something serious, play it safe, and consider a background check or international background check if your partner lives or works in another country. Be safe and verify.

Best of luck,

A Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway

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Dubai Private Investigators Combat Internet Fraud

The United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) has been the center for investment and new freedoms in the Middle East, and it is among most measures, the most modern and Western society with the most freedom and highest quality of life anywhere in the Middle East. The U.A.E. is a success story, and no city flaunts that success more than glitzy Dubai. It is home of the tallest building in the world, an indoor snow skiing facility, and countless millionaires and major investors. Dubai may have ridden the success and excess too far, and the UAE and Dubai in particular is suffering from a complete collapse in its real estate market. And, the global recession is making matters worse. Dubai private investigators say that one trend rising faster than ever, and seemingly overlooked, is the rise in fraud and scam cases coming from the U.A.E.

With the rising incident of scam and business fraud cases impacting the UAE, investment in this region has just got more risky. International investment and business deals, more than ever, are being verified with a background check or professional due diligence service. Dubai is home to a staggering number of ex-patriots and foreigners, and it’s not always easy to know who you’re dealing with. If you’re making an investment from abroad, or discussing a possible business agreement with new contacts, it’s essential to have these contacts verified. In fact, private investigation activity here is booming. Criminals operating from Dubai (and even as far away as China) are publicizing false business opportunities and seeking out potential buyers, who are later victims of fraud. Criminal operations often work from Dubai or other countries trying to attract potential investors and businesses seeking to get in the Dubai market at a low price.

Scammers use convincing methods and propose a very believable business idea or real estate offer. These con men can even meet their victims in Dubai in hotels, and present authentic looking documents and convince their victims that the deal is real, and only the initial payment is needed to close the deal. Once the payment is made, which can often be in the thousands or even millions of dollars, the criminal disappears without a trace. Demand for verification is up, and some private investigators in Dubai say they have more background check and due diligence requests than they can handle. Dubai is home to some of the most sophisticated business fraud and internet scams, and caution is advised. Investigators and law enforcement say that international due diligence is key to avoid scams and fraud in Dubai and the U.A.E.

Surprisingly, law enforcement and government officials have quietly brushed this problem under the rug, and few media outlets or government agencies will acknowledge the problem. Private investigators in Dubai are not licensed by the government, nor are they viewed upon by the government as a positive or productive occupation. Rather, private investigators are discouraged from operating in the U.A.E., and the government will not issue a business license if its primary line of business is private investigation. Several professional investigators and firms have gotten around this obstacle, and do operate legally within the loopholes. Industry observers and international investigation experts say the fact that private investigators cannot operate openly causes further problems in UAE society, as fraud is not so easily investigated.

For all business deals, new contacts, potential purchases and other international business in Dubai, consider a professional private investigation or background check firm to verify, and screen the case for fraud. Working with a private investigation company based outside the UAE but with local field investigators in Dubai is often a wise alternative to local companies, as they can operate with fewer restrictions.

Best of luck,

A Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway

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Gay Online Dating Sites Targeted by Romance Scams

Online dating is a mega success, and it’s not uncommon these days to know someone or hear about someone who has even married a person they met via online dating. What was first somewhat embarrassing to admit, is not a part of our culture, and online dating is now a common practice in countries around the world. Almost all developed countries are using internet match-making services in masses. Dallas, Texas-based alone has reportedly over 20 million members worldwide , and websites serving 25 countries in 8 different languages. This industry is serious business, and gay online dating is perhaps the fast growing demographic of online dating services, with new gay online dating sites popping up each month. Private investigators and law enforcement, correspondingly, have reported a sharp rise in internet scams and fraud affecting gay online dating subscribers, and say a dating background check is essential.

Internet criminals and scam operations are concentrated in countries like Russia, the Ukraine, Malaysia, the Philippines, Nigeria, Ghana, the U.K. and South Africa, among many others. With easy money on the table, and a global economic slump impacting most countries, scamming via the internet is too easy to pass up for many criminals. Complicating matters further, identifying and locating criminals operating from internet cafes who often use proxy servers can be a difficult task, one that law enforcement struggles to deal with. Private investigators believe gay online dating subscribers could be easier targets, on average, because they are relatively new to the online dating field, and criminals think they may not be aware of all the risks and red flags. Experts say it’s important for consumers to realize that no website, whether it’s an online dating site or social networking site, is immune from fraud. Match-making websites have no effective way to screen all members, and have stated that it’s up to subscribers of the site to watch out for the warning signs, and to get a background check when necessary. More and more people are connecting to a new friend or potential partner via the internet, and in many cases, such relationships are international. Gay online dating users should consider international background checks as a form of insurance or protection against romance scams and fraud, and all relationships begun via the internet should be verified to avoid being a victim.

Sites like Facebook and and countless others aren’t going away anytime soon, and in fact are a huge success in connecting people online and off-line. There’s no question about the benefits of sharing ideas, making new friends, and even finding love on the internet. Experts say it’s a wise decision to take advantage of these services while being aware of the potential risk for scam and fraud. Private investigators say that in many cases, a photo can be taken from an internet profile (there are billions of photos online) of a real person, and even use public records to assign a real address and background info on the fake or stolen identity. The result? It can be very hard to verify the identity of someone met via the internet. In many cases, a professional investigation or background check firm is required to screen for fraud.

Be safe and be skeptical when starting relationships online. Verify, and then decide.

Best of luck,

A Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway

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China Scams Put Pressure on China Private Investigators

International investment is flooding into China, and the country continues to boom from an economic and population standpoint. Its influence and reach is global, and everything today seems to be made in or sold in China. It is the new powerhouse and place of growth and influx of capital. As global investors and individuals and businesses seek to participate in the growth, private investigators report a significant increase in China scam and fraud activity. In fact, in Beijing and Shanghai, China private investigators have been overwhelmed with background check and due diligence requests to minimize the risk.

A recent investigation conducted by the Beijing Times, the English newspaper of Beijing, indicated that fraud and scam cases are rising most rapidly among stock market and foreign investment opportunities. Too many foreign companies and even individual investors are trying to get access to the Chinese financial market, as investment opportunities in other global sectors and markets remains limited. In this mad dash to chase financial gains, few investors are taking the necessary due diligence. The result? Market bubbles aside, business and investment scam cases, according to one Beijing private investigator, are up nearly 50% compared to 2009 levels and experts say the fraud risk is only expected to get worse.

Because bad news is bad for business (and China), law enforcement and government officials have yet to acknowledge the problem publicly. Efforts by law enforcement in China are lackluster at best. International private investigators say what the public needs to be aware of is that there is an increased need to conduct proper due diligence or a background check prior to entering into a Chinese business deal or investment. Scammers and criminals are taking advantage of the fact that many companies seem to be willing to invest in any idea in China, and many investors are learning the hard way. Reportedly, the estimated loss for financial scams and stock market fraud in China for 2010 was over $1 billion USD. The risk is real, and investors should consider a background check as a form of insurance, a way to minimize the risk and verify.

Whether or not the economic growth in China will continue is uncertain. It is a market of speculation and uncertainty. What is clear, however, is that criminal operations are on the rise in China and new business contacts, investment opportunities and stock purchases should be verified and due diligence is key. Law enforcement and private investigators agree that Chinese investment offers a classic risk-return relationship, and with high potential returns and reward, there is increased risk. To avoid being a victim of fraud or scam, investigators urge consumers and businesses to be prudent and do their homework. For complex cases or when information is not so transparent (common in China), contact a Beijing private investigator or reputable Shanghai or Beijing background check service for confidential verification.

Best of luck,

A Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway

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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Scam Ring Caught, Report Philippines Private Investigators

It’s been almost six months since authorities in Southeast Asia have been working together to detain a major net of criminals operating from Taiwan to Indonesia, from Vietnam to the Philippines. This organized group of criminal scammers worked using low profiles by renting apartments or houses whose only request was to have a broadband connection. In that way, this international group of mobster were able to contact their victims through an internet telephone line such as those provided by Skype, leaving no trace of their location and making it hard for authorities to locate and prosecute them.

According to Philippines private investigators, the criminal net had over 600 members located along the islands of Southeast Asia, and they would make phone calls over the internet to many victims in China, Taiwan, the Philippines and Vietnam, and target developing countries such as the United States, Canada the U.K. and Australia. Scammers in the criminal ring would pose as an official agency or official to extort money from victims, explain Manila based Philippines private detectives. It was hard to determine the identity and location of the criminals because details of the scam varied from one country to the next, and all lines used were internet phones, such as Skype. Con artists used various techniques and scripts to extort money from their victims. Some caller claimed to be local police or government officials, or to be conducting a census, anything to get personal data to be used to steal the victim’s identity. Other callers in the criminal operation would claim to be from a bank, and get the victim to reveal his bank account details over the phone. These criminals worked around the clock for month, and the damage done is estimated to be over $1 million USD. Fortunately, investigators were able to shut them down.

International private investigators say the group in Taiwan collected victims’ bank accounts and phone numbers and pass them to the teams in Vietnam and the Philippines, where they would call victims and ask them to transfer money to a bank account in Thailand. “The tactics used were to surprise the victim, by scaring the person by saying their bank account or credit card had been accessed," a Manila private investigator, explains. Although most people are aware of the risk for fraud and scams, criminals continue operate successfully, and law enforcement is struggling to keep up with the growing threat.

Although the internet is a vast camp for criminals, this time it was possible to trace the callers and arrest them because authorities worked together and more importantly, victims made a big effort by informing law enforcement and cooperating with cases. Working together made the arrests possible. Law enforcement and Philippines private detectives warn never to reveal personal information or financial data to anyone via the internet or phone who has not been verified. If you’re not sure, ask if you can call the bank or government office bank, or contact them through the official website. This way you can be sure you know you’re dealing with the actual agency or financial institution, and avoid fraud.

Best of luck,

A. Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway
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International Background Screening: A Priority for Online Dating

Romance scams are growing risk for online dating subscribers and social networking sites. Sites like and Facebook offer a lot of benefits, but the risks should not be ignored. Many scams are originating from countries like Ghana, Nigeria, the Ukraine, Russia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the U.K. and even China. Law enforcement agencies like the FBI are receiving daily complaints and reports of victims across the United States, and Canada and Australia law enforcement agencies report a similar and alarming increase in online fraud and scams. The global economic problems are fueling the problem, as criminals seem to be coming out of the word work. Since the internet began, access to global markets and the global economy has increased beyond all estimates. Criminals too, unfortunately, now have access to individuals around the globe and are taking full advantage. International background checks are advised for relationships that are initiated online and when the person on the other end resides in a foreign country, or is traveling in a foreign country. Experts say verify first.

 No county is immune from fraud. Even the U.S. is now forming internet criminal organizations and private investigators and law enforcement agencies are struggling to keep up with the rising crime. Wymoo® International, a full service private investigation firm based in Florida, United States, reports that internet fraud and romance scams are rising faster than most consumers realize. A company spokesperson said that subscribers to social networking sites and online dating sites have a false sense of security when they publish their information on Facebook or or similar sites, and even the most skeptical consumers can be a victim. Law enforcement agencies agree. Internet users should use caution when publishing details about their personal life on the internet, such as date of birth and address. These details can be used to steal your identity. In addition, a seemingly harmless relationship online can be more dangerous than you might think. Only a professional international private investigator can verify the story behind the profile. Especially in cases involving a foreign country, it can take an expert to verify if your internet flame is who he or she claims to be, and if the photos really match the identity.

Most of the time, online crime organizations are run by men; but this is an equal opportunity world, and women are now starting their own scam operations. The potential monetary reward is significant, so men and women in many developing countries and even countries like the United States are being enticed to commit these types of crime. One of the famous is based out of Chicago.

“The Sweethearts” is a group of women in their 20s to 40s targeting men in their 60s. They go after men who are vulnerable and lonely, and strike on their ego, making them feel that they are back on their game again. Once they make contact, the women work hard to gain the victim’s trust. It can take a week, a month or even a year. Once the trust is establish, the bait and trap is set to request the money, which can come in the form of an emergency or otherwise dire situation, such as a medical condition or accident or economic problems. One of the known victims reportedly lost $400,000 USD in a week! This criminal
organization operates nearly in the open, and Chicago Police Department officers say that many victims don’t press charges against these women, because victims willingly send money.

Under the Obama Administration, the U.S. is in a period of decline, economically and from a cultural standpoint. All superpowers and great nations fall, and the U.S. is no different from Rome, Spain or England. As conditions worsen, criminal activity will rise.

A Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway
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Friday, June 3, 2011
Gold Scams Target International Investors Seeking Opportunities

Gold scams are now a major threat for companies and individual investors seeking to profit from gold by investing internationally.
A dismal global economy has firms, hedge funds and individuals looking for larger profits and returns than in the low interest on bank savings accounts and U.S. T-bills. Many expect a complete collapse of the U.S. dollar under reckless spending of the Barack Hussein Obama Administration and his corresponding large government policies. With soaring inflation in many markets, including the United States, precious metals have been all the boom and hype, outpacing nearly every other financial instrument in market. Gold is king, as global real estate prices, stock markets and bonds offer little returns. Investors worldwide are now chasing the Gold rush, and with more experienced and inexperienced investors and companies seeking opportunities abroad, Gold scams are up significantly. International background checks and due diligence is advised.

Much of the gold scams are coming from Africa. Many criminals claim to be entrepreneurs from West Africa or South Africa, in countries like South Africa and Ghana, Africa’s two largest producers of gold. Scammers claim to be established gold trading businesses or mining companies and offer international investors big opportunity for investment. Gold sellers and mints in the U.S. and Australia are also being fooled, as they seek out new gold suppliers. Such high demand and limited supply is causing gold sellers to establish relationships with new suppliers and contacts, many of which are unverified.

Companies can claim to be registered with agencies such as the Precious Mineral Marketing Company (PMMC) in Ghana to gain the confidence of potential investors (and victims) and often have website that appear to be legitimate. A closer analysis and investigation often reveals some experienced criminals in West Africa, who are savvy con men with utmost knowledge of the gold industry. Many even obtain government issued contracts and official looking certificates to prove they are authentic.

and others claim to be growing and have agents in the African countries and North America.

Professional private investigation agencies have received plenty of requests for international background checks to verify some of these entities just to find out most of them are taking advantage of a globally depressed economy. The problem is so big in the U.S. that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has released a communication to warn Americans about this fraud. These fraudsters often offer deals too good to be true, but some deals, experts say, are nearly identical to the real thing. In many cases, only a professional field investigator or private investigation firm with a team on the ground can verify facilities, government registration, mining operations, business contracts, and check for reputation and check local references. The scams are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated. Investors should conduct due diligence to avoid Ghana gold scams.

Some false entities and criminals claim to have offices in the U.S. but are really are located as far away as Ghana or even China. China is probably the fastest gold scam market in the world at this time. A competent private investigation or background check firm with field investigators in the country can verify the location of the company, if it is legally established, if your contacts are actually who they claim to be, and more importantly, investigators will let you know if the gold seller is really registered with a positive reputation. Large amounts of money are being lost to gold scams on a daily basis. Some have lost their entire life savings. Be safe and verify any international gold investments.

Best of luck,

A Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway.

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Russian Private Investigators Reveal Patterns of Romance Scams

It is getting more difficult for scammers to defraud people these days, so many people think. Media, especially the internet and social networks, and private investigators around the world have been warning people about preventing and being aware of all sorts of fraud types. And yet, thousands of people become victims every day. Internet companies have restricted mass emails and educated users about the risks of posting personal information online. Many companies even go as far as blocking emails and websites using words that have a strong connection to scams, such as ‘Nigeria’. Although consumers and companies are now more aware of the risk, criminals are finding new ways to scam people around the world. Experts warn that in fact, it appears the criminals are advancing their methods faster than the global public can become aware of the new risks. Investigators from Moscow say Russia background checks are now essential to avoiding this type of online fraud and scams.

Russian private investigators says that many scammers are now keeping a low profile and not even sharing information on what they do with friends or family. The profit is too high, the risk too great. They do not even open bank accounts in their name, but instead hide cash in safe deposit boxes or at home. Professional scammers can earn as much as $50,000 USD a day, according to recent research conducted by the Free World Economy Report! These kinds of profits are seriously guarded secrets, and Moscow based criminals are guarding their secret tactics and online strategies like inside information to a stock transaction. Once the information becomes public, consumers will become more aware of the risk, and the tactic less effective, and less profitable. The industry is booming.

Hundreds of background checks are conducted year round by Russia private investigators in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the Ukraine. They have uncovered patterns from the known criminal cases which have affected victims around the globe. Most cases target English speakers in the U.K., U.S., Canada or Australia. This is where the money is. Secondly, criminals will often target men in these countries who are seeking a beautiful foreign bride or online romance. Again, this is where the money is. Most criminals are organized groups of men that work from an internet cafĂ© or from an office using proxy servers, making IP tracking of little or no value. These men are expert con artists who use the right photos, right approach, and right form letters to establish a relationship begun online (usually Facebook or or similar) and they gain your trust. Then, when the trust is established after a period of several weeks or months, or even years, the financial requests will start. Requests for money will not stop until the criminal gets every penny possible. Or, in many cases, criminals will only seek personal information, such as a copy of your passport, and your address, etc to steal your identity, open a financial account in your name, and steal your money without you knowing until it’s too late.

Sometimes the girl in the photo is simply taken from the internet. In other cases, the criminal groups use real girls to convince victims, and can even use recorded or live webcam feeds with the women talking to their victims. These women are controlled by the men and criminal organization, and will receive a very small payment for their services. Law enforcement and private investigators in Moscow agree that Russian background checks performed by competent private investigators is key.

Best of luck,

A Hathaway
© 2011 A. Hathaway.

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